
Terms and Conditions

Personal Data Protection:

On BestVapeMart, personal information is only used to the amount that is strictly necessary. We want this information for the delivery of your order safe and sound. We save and use all client data in compliance with the applicable provisions of the German Telemedia Act (TMG) and the Federal Laws for Data Protection (BDSG). The collected data will never be sold or given to any parties for other uses.

Our server stores the following information from your device:

  • Your Operating System Type
  • Browser Info and Version
  • URL that are Refferer
  • IP Address


The information used by BestVapeMart cannot be shared with anyone. This information will never be transferred to any other data sources. The data will be statistically evaluated and then permanently removed.


There are many locations on the Internet where cookies are used. They improve the usability, effectiveness, and safety of our offering. Cookies are little text files that are downloaded to your computer and stored by your browser. The majority of the cookies utilized by Onlinevapehshop are referred to as “session cookies.” After your visit, they are automatically erased. Cookies do not contain viruses or harm your computer in any way.

Our Newsletter:

BestVapeMart requires a valid email address that helps our visitors for signing up for our newsletter. Additional information won’t be used. The permission to store the data, the email address, and its use for the delivery of newsletters may be revoked at any time.

Your Right to Your Personal Data:

You always have the right to the personal information that you provide for the signing and delivery process.

More Details: 

Your trust is the first priority for the team BestVapeMart. So if you have any queries regarding your personal information or anything else that is not discussed in the terms and conditions then you will surely contact us at for more details.